Bridging the Gap to Data Insight

Abridge Info Systems brings raw data to life by ushering companies into the new era of BI. Traditional BI solutions are cumbersome, expensive and limited in scope. To remain competitive, modern businesses need to engage with their data in real-time. We specialize in next generation analytics and reporting services that are simple, fast and balanced. Simply put, we give you the tools you need to succeed.


The information needed to run an effective business is in the data. Can you see it? Make the invisible visible.


Do you have confidence in your knowledge? Are you getting the right information? We can help.

Getting Lean

Are you running a tight ship? Need to tighten up the belt? Optimization is just a few clicks away.


We know how you feel. We’re implementing tools and strategies to empower users and simplify administration.

What We Offer

Abridge Info Systems provides Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing services that deliver visibility, insight and tangible results. With our vast experience in the IT services industry and our willingness to listen to client feedback, we are better able to understand the needs of our customers and give them the best return on investment in the shortest time frame.

Cloud BI offering

Not all business want to invest in or have bandwidth to set-up and manage full stack of BI implementation. With our vast knowledge in BI solutions implementation and Infrastructure management, Abridge Info can help you get up and running on our cloud data platform in no time.With Cloud BI you pay for the services as you go without having to commit for costly hardware and software which you may not be sure of. And no need for IT resources to manage the infrastructure and software. We will do that for you.

Big Data Solutions

Big Data is a new field and has lot of promise. But with that comes the uncertainty and lot of jargons. Abridge Info can help cut through the confusion and provide options for specific need. Whether it is dealing with volumes of data, Variety of data, click stream or social data, or data coming from devices and Internet of Things (IOT) we can help develop a Proof Of Concept for you so that you can see the technology in action. Some of the technologies we are expert in are Teradata, EMC Pivotal/Greenplum, Hadoop eco system or any NoSQL databases like Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, RavenDB and others.

Visual Data Analytics

If you are looking to implement interactive Visual Data discovery and Data Exploration tools, Abridge Info can help implement a solution for you. Whether you are looking to implement Tableau, DOMO, Sisense, Birst, LogiXML, iVedix or any others, we can help. We can demo the product capabilities for you and help bring the tool live for you including training users on use of the tool once implemented.

Professional Data Solutions

Business Intelligence is at the core of any successful enterprise. Abridge Info Systems will deliver full or semi-managed BI, Data Warehousing and Integration solutions for our clients. We collaborate closely with our clients’ IT departments to be sure our solutions adhere to the overall strategic objectives of the company. If you are just seeking highly skilled data integrators, data architects, project managers on time and material basis, we can help.

Why Go with Abridge?

  • We’ve got the experience. Our developers and technicians have proven track records of success.
  • We’re fast. Our projects have clearly defined time frames and we minimize downtime.
  • We’re flexible. We have a large team and can work with anyone, anywhere in any industry.
  • We listen. Most of our success as a company comes as a result of acting on client feedback.
  • We understand. Starting as a small, minority-owned business gave us entrepreneurial insight.
  • We’ve got the creds. INC ranks us among Fastest Growing IT Services companies 2 years in a row.